Return your completed application file to your credit repair specialist. They will then call you to get your application processed and to get you started. You’ve just taken the second step to repairing your credit. Congratulations!!
Consumer Application-Genesis
Information contained on the consumer application is confidential. The information provided is used to determine the scope of work necessary to provide service(s). It is important that you answer the questions honestly and accurately.
Getting Started
The getting started form gives you a brief overview of the steps and task ahead and your responsibilities in helping to make successfully achieve your goals.
Signature Card
The signature card gives your customer service representative the authorization to request credit information from creditors.
Consumer Application – Warranty
All information contained on the consumer application is confidential. It allows and provides your customer service representative with the information needed to access the types of services you will need to begin the credit repair process. It’s very important that you answer the questions honestly and accurately. Click HERE to Download the Spanish Version
Consumer Application – Retainer Payment Plan
All information contained on the consumer application is confidential. It allows and provides your customer service representative with the information needed to access the types of services you will need to begin the credit repair process. It’s very important that you answer the questions honestly and accurately.
Consumer Tradeline Application
Automatic Payment Authorization
The automatic payment Authorization form helps to expedite the initial sign-up process.