Happy Holidays!
I sure hope you remember us, George and Sonja Gyimah. Almost a year ago today, you all came into our lives and make a significant difference in the health and directions of our family. With you help and guidance we were able to purchase the home of our dreams! Literally we have been living in a dream state every time we pull into the driveway.
Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year and I wanted to take the opportunity to thank the individuals that made this all possible for the Gyimah family.
Diane Ward – Diane, we met you by chance and you stuck it out with us. It was a long haul and we truly appreciate your patience. You are an amazing real estate specialist with a heart of gold! George and I could not have done this without you – thank you so much.
Jared Varitek – Diane then introduced us to Jared at FBC Mortgage. Jared, you and our team are true professionals. You took our challenging case and didn’t give up on us. You sent us to work with Michael Bridenstine at Trinity Enterprises where I worked with Michael and his patient staff. Michael, you always treated me with dignity and respect – always seeing a light at end of what I thought was a long dark tunnel. I appreciate your work ethic and throughness. Jared, the best day ever was the day of the closing, you came in all smiles and walked us through it all.
So let me say, all your hard work is never in vain. Collectively, you all have alowed us the opportunity to experience our dream. We have been enjoying our home, living simply, taking it one day at a time, appreciating what we’ve been given. Our girls have transitions to news schools are and doing well – enjoying their own rooms! I even have an office for me and George has the garage, of course! 2010 was a year of settling in and preparation and 2011 will be our year to entertain. We do hope to be able to invite you all to out 2011 BBQ at the Enclave in Moss Park.(You need to speak with a British accent when you say “Enclave” lol) Who would have though that a couple from Brooklyn, New York would come down to Orlando and be where they are today?! We are truly blessed.
Georgia and I wish you all – Diane, Jared, Michael and the staff at FBC & Trinity a wonderful, safe and blessed Thanksgiving holiday! You guys are dream makers!
All the best,