Credit repair has received a bad reputation over the past couple of years. Many people look at credit repair as a form of scam and often avoid fixing their credit because of it. The Credit bureaus spend millions of dollars every year in commercials and promoting that Americans can’t fix their credit. This is far from the truth. Did you know that the Credit Bureaus Equifax, Transunion and Experian are not government ran agencies? They are for PROFIT businesses just like your local gas station or favorite restaurant. They only make money by posting negative items like collection, charge offs, late payments on consumer credit reports.
That’s why Trinity Enterprises helps the consumer have a second chance in life and stop being bullied by the financial intuitions and the credit bureaus themselves. How many times have we seen those “Repair Bad Credit” signs on the streets? They are usually accompanied by an untraceable number and are most likely being managed by someone working out of their home. That is illegal and even shady, as they scam others into calling them. Code enforcement is out grabbing these signs that are not advertising the right way, but we take a strong stand in the social media market to educate consumers on how credit repair works.
Trinity Enterprises LLC is a Christian Credit Repair Company and we want to serve all of America to the best of our abilities and show others that credit repair is NOT a scam. Trinity’s credit repair services have made a foothold in the credit repair industry and we have an active stance when it comes to honest and trustworthy work. We have been in business for more than 10 years and are founded on Proverbs 22:1 which says “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.”
Even though Trinity Enterprises LLC is located in Florida, we have had an active influence and presence in the other states of this amazing country. We work directly Orlando, FL but have been able to reach all areas of the United States. Even more so now that we have brand new domain names which are reaching people all over the country.
Search engine optimization is a must in our industry, as we want to make ourselves known and help others to regain their financial freedom. Trinity Enterprises LLC knows the value of social media in this time and age, and we are aggressively posting educational content regarding credit repair and credit restoration for our every day consumer. We even started TV commercials letting consumers know the truth about the online scoring system. Stay tuned as it will be in our next blog post.
Give us a chance today to prove to you that credit repair can be a blessing in your life and not a curse. Call us today at 407.831.2525 for a free consultation or visit our Facebook page for more information. We look forward to serving you and giving the best results possible.
Here is a list of our new domain names: