A lot of people get harassed by old collection agencies, charged off credit cards, and repossessed car loan companies. They then act out in fear and contact a bankruptcy attorney instead of looking at their options. Filing for bankruptcy is not the only option; especially when the creditors are old and charged off. The reason we say this is because the damage has already been done. The accounts have been lost already, but with a company such as Trinity you can get a second chance at financial freedom. Check this White Bridge Check Into Cash
Bankruptcy is a good option when you have a home loan that is currently delinquent and there is no way possible for you to catch up on the mortgage, car note or creditors. Some bankruptcy attorneys are not knowledgeable and will not educate you on why this may not be the best possible solution. Some won’t tell you about your other options because they get paid to file and submit their paper work to the courts. Credit repair can assist you with removing accounts older than six to twelve months. The older the debt, the better the candidate for credit repair services. With over 13 years of experience in finance and credit, we feel that our expertise in giving consumers a no cost consultation will give them a better outlook regarding their credit.
Here at Trinity, we review about 50-100 credit reports each day. 80 percent of those are good candidates for credit repair, the other 20 percent are good for debt consolidation or even bankruptcies. If after our free consultation we find that you are better fit for debt consolidation or bankruptcy, we will recommend you to a professional who can better suit your needs. Most consumers come to Trinity Enterprises for direction and a road map to success with financial planning. We predominantly hire financial planners with extensive training in finance, and therefore have one of the highest success ratios of negative items removed from credit reports. Our Orlando credit analysts are reliable and will review your credit report with you prior to taking any funds for credit repair services.
On average, we have increased credit scores 80-120 points. This is possible when removing late payments, collections, charge offs, repossessions, tax liens, child support, short sales and a host of other items from credit reports. We have been very successful and have had many clients close on home loans. Credit repair just may be the solution for you. We have the ability to pull an updated copy of a credit report and give you a no cost consultation. After our services you will be educated and have your financial freedom.
Do not act in fear, but be educated prior to filing for bankruptcy. Credit repair or debt consolidation may be the right solution for you.
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